Friday, 15 January 2010

Tips - Getting Your Email Opened

By Ben M Williams

With the possible exception of phone calls, email marketing is the still the number one way that most companies use to communicate with their prospects and customers. While social media tools are quickly providing alternative ways of communication, email is still the easiest and most understood mediums of communication, with the exception of phone calls. It may be a long time before this well-known medium takes a backseat to anything else. Even with social media, millions of people understand, use, and will continue to rely on email.

In this post, I am going to give you a few tips to increase your open rates.

  1. Call them by there name. This adds a more personal touch to the email, but don't use it too much, or it becomes a bit weird!
  2. Have a good, intriguing subject line. For more info on this, read my Subject Line Tricks
  3. Keep it short; in our fast-paced world, no-one has enough time in the working day to read an immensely long email. Keep it short, and to the point
  4. After you have wrote your email, re-read it 10 times, and take out any unneeded words, but make sure it still makes sense!
  5. Always make sure that the 'from' name appears. You can either put your companies name in here, or your own, if you want it to be even more personal
  6. Try and keep a sort of 'brand' with your subject lines, eg. enveloping it with {} or [] this means that people will see the subject line and they will know instantly it is from you

Hopefully this was helpful, send me an email if you have any feedback.

If you would like to read more posts, covering topics such as e-marketing, finance and tax, then head over to Thanks for reading!

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