Monday 11 January 2010

How to Get Website Traffic on Autopilot

By Samuel M Stone

If you own are an online marketer then is one thing that you can never have enough of and that is targeted traffic and if you can get put your traffic on autopilot then all the better.

In this article I am going to show you how to get truck loads of targeted traffic going to your site every day and even better these methods once set up will continue to drive this targeted website traffic to your site on complete autopilot.

In fact the longer you leave it the better it will perform over time and your site will start to rank higher in the search engine also giving you even more web traffic for free.

Now there are many ways you can generate traffic to your site, there are paid methods like AdWord/PPC which is extremely effective but can cost you a heap if you don't know what you are doing. There are free methods like commenting on blogs, forum marketing and even leveraging sites like Yahoo Answers by answering question in your niche and driving that traffic to your site.

You can write articles until you get blisters on your fingertips and submit them all over the web, which also works great. If you can outsource it is very powerful. Another great way is to use video marketing and submitting your video to all the leading video sharing sites and then you have social book marketing and creating a buzz around your content.

All these methods should be used to get traffic to your site however to do them all can take a lot of your time and you don't have enough time to focus on researching others markets, creating higher converting sales funnels and processes, etc.

So what's the answer?

What you want to do is use website marketing tools and allow software do all the work for you and put it all on autopilot. The best things about website marketing tools is that they are like having employees work for you, but these employees work 24 hours, 365 days a year, never take a break and never complain.

If you would like to get a full list of website marketing tools and learn what two website marketing tools I have used for months to drive hordes of targeted traffic to my sites completely hands free.

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